Health policy in the Argentine climate agenda


  • Francisco Chesini Ministerio de Salud de la Nación, Argentina
  • Marina Cecilia Orman Ministerio de Salud de la Nación, Argentina


Climate Change, Health Policy, Intersectoral Collaboration, Argentina


INTRODUCTION: Climate change is a structural determinant of health and a threat to global public health. Thus, the World HealthAssembly 2008 mandated to draw up action plans to minimize public health impacts of climate change. The aim of the study was to systematizethe development process of a policy in this area. The National Action Plan on Health and Climate Change is part of this policy. METHODS: Todesign the climate change and health policy, a Workgroup made up by different areas with competence in this sphere was created within ArgentineMinistry of Health. This workgroup was responsible for conducting a situational analysis to prioritize topics to be included in an action plan. Suchplan was submitted for consideration to other areas of the National State by means of the interministerial Health Workgroup from the NationalCabinet of Climate Change and the civil society. RESULTS: The public health policy on climate change has three instruments: the National Program,the Workgroup and the Action Plan. The plan is organized in 7 axes of intervention and 21 measures. DISCUSSION: The Ministry of Health has beenworking on climate change and health since 2008, but it was the creation of the Workgroup which finally made it a cross-cutting issue. 


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How to Cite

Chesini , F. ., & Orman , M. C. . (2021). Health policy in the Argentine climate agenda . Revista Argentina De Salud Pública, 13. Retrieved from