Human Milk Bank of Neuquén: health technology assessment, cost and equity impact analysis


  • Guadalupe Montero Comité Provincial de Biotecnología de la Provincia de Neuquén, Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Neuquén, Argentina
  • Gabriela Finotti Centro Universitario de Estudios de Salud, Economía y Bienestar, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina
  • Laura Lamfre Centro Universitario de Estudios de Salud, Economía y Bienestar, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina
  • Santiago Hasdeu Comité Provincial de Biotecnología de la Provincia de Neuquén, Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Neuquén, Argentina
  • María Alejandra Buiarevich Banco de Leche Humana de la Provincia de Neuquén, Argentina
  • Martín Sapag Banco de Leche Humana de la Provincia de Neuquén, Argentina
  • Astrid Henoch Banco de Leche Humana de la Provincia de Neuquén, Argentina
  • Cinthia Ruiz Banco de Leche Humana de la Provincia de Neuquén, Argentina
  • Laura Alday Banco de Leche Humana de la Provincia de Neuquén, Argentina


Human Milk, Milk Banks, Low Birth Weight Infant, Biomedical Technology Assessment, Health Equity


INTRODUCTION: Following the creation of the Human Milk Bank (HMB) of Neuquen, which distributes 480 liters per year to public and private health institutions, a health technology assessment was carried out in order to compare pasteurized human milk (PHM) with formula milk in premature and low birth weight children. METHODS: Efficacy, safety, total costs and potential impact on equity were analyzed. A multidisciplinary team conducted a literature search. The cost analysis included equipment with depreciation, maintenance and validation, medical supplies, expenses in serology to donors, general services and human resources, among others. The total annual cost and the cost per milliliter were estimated. Specific points were identified to monitor the impact on equity, mainly related to social determinants of health of donors and beneficiaries. RESULTS: Heterogeneous evidence of moderate to low quality suggests that PHM is a safe and effective intervention. Feeding 33 children with formula milk is expected to cause one extra case of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in this population. DISCUSSION: In addition to reducing the risk of NEC, the PHM strategy could raise awareness about the importance of breastfeeding in the community, giving benefits to the general population that may be difficult to capture in clinical trials and economic evaluations.


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How to Cite

Montero, G., Finotti, G., Lamfre, L., Hasdeu, S., Buiarevich, M. A., Sapag, M., … Alday, L. (2020). Human Milk Bank of Neuquén: health technology assessment, cost and equity impact analysis. Revista Argentina De Salud Pública, 11(42), 40–47. Retrieved from